Russia’s most popular bullet train is expanding.

Russia’s most popular bullet train is expanding.

Russia’s most popular bullet train is expanding.

The Sapsan express train started operations in 2009 and is one of the most popular express trains in Russia, connecting Moscow to St. Petersburg. It isnamed after one of the fastest birds in the world, the Falcon Peregrino, justifying its high maximum speed, thar can reach about 155 mph. The High Speed ​​Train can carry up to 550 passengers at once and offers different ticket classes.

Russia’s first high-speed train will be integrated with Moscow’s future Central Diameter D3 line to make connections between cities more convenient. Four high-speed train centers will be created in the cities to reduce travel time in Moscow. The D3 line will connect the Zelenograd and Ramenskaya districts and will have 43 stations. When it opens, the 680 km long high-speed line will reduce the travel time between the two cities from four hours to 2h 30min, with trains traveling at a maximum of 400 km/h.

In the last 10 years, the number of passengers on the Moscow – St. Petersburg route has grown by 64%, whether flights or the more popular Sapsn high-speed rail service . It is hoped that the new centers will encourage even more travelers to take the train the next time they take one of Russia’s most popular trips.

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