Brazilian states begin dissemination of BIM use.

Brazilian states begin dissemination of BIM use.

Brazilian states begin dissemination of BIM use.

The project integration modern modeling that has already been consolidated abroad, has been gaining special attention throughout time. BIM (Building Information Modeling), used worldwide by the construction industry for better planning and work management, involves a set of integrated processes and technologies allowing to systematically analyze each process of a project in an integrative way. Thus serving for all the enterprise’s participants, from planning to operation.

Minas Gerais, the fourth largest state by area and the third largest metropolitan area in the country, had a decree issued on March 03, 2021 by the Executive Power Journal regarding the gradually implementation of the BIM methodology. This measure aims to encourage and disseminate it’s use in future engineering projects.

Implementation Steps

First phase starting in 2021

First phase starting in 2021: The BIM methodology will be used preferably in the development of architectural and engineering projects, referring to new constructions, expansions or rehabilitations, when considered of great relevance for the dissemination of BIM, contemplating:

a) the preparation of the Architecture and Engineering models, and complementary disciplines that ensure the compatibility of the BIM model;

b) the identification of physical and functional interferences between the various disciplines and the revision of the architectural and engineering models in order to make them compatible with each other;

c) the extraction of quantitative;

d) the graphical documentation generation, extracted from the models referred to in this item;

Second phase starting in 2024

Second phase starting in 2024: The BIM methodology will be used preferably when executing architectural and engineering projects directly or indirectly and in construction management, referring to new buildings, renovations, expansions or rehabilitations, when considered of great relevance to the dissemination of BIM, contemplating: 

a) the foreseen uses in the first phase;

b) the budgeting, planning, and control of the construction work execution;

c) the model updating and its information as built for works whose architectural and engineering projects have been carried out or executed with the application of BIM;

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