Imtraff creates Urban mobility plans in Brazilian municipalities.

Imtraff creates Urban mobility plans in Brazilian municipalities.

Imtraff creates Urban mobility plans in Brazilian municipalities.

Urban mobility is an important topic in most major cities around the world. Reducing traffic congestion, enhancing the quality of public transportation, and increasing active transportation (walking and bicycling) are all challenges, but also an important tool for planning actions and interventions in the short, medium, and long term. In Brazil, many cities hat still do not have a consolidated structure are starting to implement the mobility plans, since it implementation is made by Federal Law and is mandatory for all municipalities with a population greater than 20 thousand inhabitants.

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Imtraff is currently developing Mobility Plans in two Brazilian cities and has also developed Mobility Plans in 5 states and in other 2 countries: Dominican Republic and Angola, causing an impact on over 8 million people and generating several projects to improve infrastructure and the development of municipalities and its regions.


The main objective of the Plan is to evaluate and define actions, investments, and priorities to guarantee appropriate mobility conditions for the city in current and future scenarios. The preparation of the plan relies on great social participation and absolute focus on sustainable mobility.

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See below the Step-by-Step guide to elaborate a mobility plan.

passo a passo planmob en
  • Stage 1 – Information Survey
    In this first stage existing data is collected through surveys and public hearings, then the technical teams hold technical meetings to present the problems and existing projects.
  • Stage 2 – Diagnosis and Prognosis
    In the 2nd stage, field research is carried out to obtain the perception and commuting behavior of the inhabitants. The data collected is presented through a report with qualitative and quantitative information.
  • Stage 3 – Guidelines and Proposals
    Consists in the elaboration of detailed proposals per area of action with priorities and deadlines.
  • Stage 4 – Consolidation of the Urban Mobility Plan
    After the approval of the preliminary version of the Mobility Plan, a Draft Bill is prepared to seek the institution of the Mobility Plan through municipal law.

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