About to turn 11 years old, Imtraff starts 2021 with renovated headquarters and new logo

About to turn 11 years old, Imtraff starts 2021 with renovated headquarters and new logo

About to turn 11 years old, Imtraff starts 2021 with renovated headquarters and new logo

The year 2020 was a game changer for many companies around the world, and for Imtraff it was no different. The year demanded that we rethink ourselves as an organization in several aspects in order to overcome the challenges that were imposed by the pandemic.  

The main change was the full implementation of working from home in all 5 cities where there were physical offices. The change brought several benefits and proved to be a wise decision due to the increase in the employees’ quality of life while maintaining the team’s productivity.

Still adapting to the routine of the “new normal” we also carried out our biggest renovation in the company’s headquarters in Belo Horizonte, so once the pandemic is over, we will be ready for a hybrid work system.


Our employees will be able to use the spaces throughout the week and work from home. Therefore, the spaces have been rethought to offer more comfort with fewer fixed work positions, more mobile work areas, and a decompression room for chilling out. With this new office project, we gained more quality of life, as well as more work space and flexibility in schedules and routines. 

We also celebrated our over 10-year history with the renewal of our brand and visual Identity.

What was thought and idealized as a brand for the company over 10 years ago was no longer able to transmit what we are today and where we want to go. Therefore, we enhanced our roots in Engineering and Mobility, our purpose, and what moves us daily to build a new brand, more modern, updated, and adapted to the new moment of the company.

Learn more about our new brand: link.

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